Thanks for visiting, the english version of
My name is Enrico Belli: I am passionate about the Dolomites and I am a marketing consultant.
Here’s a short video in which I introduce myself (in italian).

Why did I create (and manage) those websites, and
I was born in the Dolomites, but I no longer live there. And therefore it could be nostalgia.
I like walking in the mountains. And so it could be a passion for sport.
I like photography. And it could be a hobby.
I raised my five children to resist fatigue on the Dolomite trails. And so it could be for educational purposes.
I methodically collect notes of the excursions I go on with my family and friends. And it could be to spread the word.
There is some truth in these answers.



But in reality, was created for two reasons. First of all, to find words that describe my passion for the Dolomites.
Secondly, to provide hiking enthusiasts in the Dolomites with notes and photos of some of the hikes I have gone on personally, alone or with my family.
The contents of this website are therefore the result of my direct experience: the texts and photos  are in fact a compilation of the notes I collected during my excursions and a selection of the photos I took.
It is therefore not a complete guide to the Dolomites, nor the only site to consult, nor the image portfolio of an (aspiring) photographer: it is my experience of the mountains.

Tour operators, read more here

The website was launched in 2004 and has a large number of visitors. What are they looking for? Information, tourist services and holiday accommodation.

The same here, on

Find out how you can be found on and
So enjoy your visit to this website (and many thanks to Claudio Manfrini for the logo and advice on how to make a responsive site).